Match Spanish and English words
Video - Viviendo en la calle
The children who live in the streets - Read the text and answer the questions
Presentación - Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas
Avalancha de sin papeles - Presentación
Read the English sentences and fill in the gaps in Spanish
Presentation on the environment
AVE - Choose the correct answer
Match the 2 halves of the sentences
Acid rain - Fill in the gaps
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer - conversation 1
Nuclear energy - Fill in the gaps
The use of petrol - Fill gaps
Video - Lanzamiento Carpooling LAN
Match Spanish and English words
Same as above but this time the words are hidden
Greenhouse effect - Fill in the gaps
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Read the English sentences and fill in the gaps in Spanish
Match the beginning and the end of the sentences
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer - conversation 1