Daily routine - Wordshoot
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Fill in the gaps
Read the English sentences and fill in the gaps in Spanish
Talking about your house
Wordsearch on bedroom
Anagrams on rooms of the house
Spell the words - Careful, you're being timed!
Concentration game
Match the Spanish to the English
Home town
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Match the English words with the Spanish sounds
Match English and Spanish sounds. Watch out, this time the words are hidden
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Wordshoot - Shops
Match the words and the sounds on shops
Read the English sentences and fill in the gaps in Spanish
Choose the right answer
Match the questions to the answers
Match the texts and the pictures
Travelling by train
Match the places in a train station in Spanish and in English
Same as above, but this time you need to memorise where the words are
Anagrams on train station vocab
Vocab and pronunciation
Town - Keywords