Where you live
Balloon game
Match the hidden words in Spanish words and the sounds
Match the 2 halves of the sentences
House and rooms
Rooms of the house - Presentation
Wordshoot - Rooms of the house
Wordsearch on house description
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Spell the Spanish words. Quick, you're timed!
Match the Spanish words and the sounds
Same as above, but this time you need to memorise where the words and the sounds are
Match the rooms to the furniture
Wordsearch on rooms of the house
Decide where each label needs to go and click on each word to check your answer
Match the pictures of the rooms to the Spanish
Dunk the teacher
Rooms of the house - Crosswords
Look at the pictues of rooms and choose the right answer
Listen to the person talking and choose the right answer
Write down the words in Spanish. Careful, you're being timed!
Match the English and the Spanish sounds
Crossword - Click on a number to see the clue
Match Spanish and English words
Same as above but this time the words are hidden
Vocab and pronunciation
Talking about where you live - Keywords
House - Keywords
Bedroom - Keywords